Saturday 13 March 2010

Professional Lecture Series continues: Marketing in network environments

Anyone who is interested in network phenomenon of today's business environment due to the complexity of the organisational relationships, caused by hypercompetition and globalisation, are welcomed to attend the Lecture from one of the academic expert in the outlined area of the research*.

      Will be interesting and useful.....     
               Get some intellectual snacks for your brains!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Work flow in much faster & easier way

Hey guys,

ITech revolution is obviously the greatest ever. Check it out:

New DocuPen and portable printer, unbelievable small.... Will be waiting for new inventions.

Btw, if you know some lattest innovations - post & share it with me.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Experiential perhaps Excessive Multichannel Marketing
I have attended interesting from practitioners point of view Lecture on Experiential Marketing. T-Mobile has presented their innovative multichannel approach in interacting with customers. Everything is fine and from the Business perspective - cost-effective & covers wider audience. Feedback presented from customers, outcomes' figures and statement about actual dialogue are Great! But - Are we ready to be 'bombarded' from every point of touch, it is a Big Question? Traditional Marketing Approaches - Segmentation and Targeting still have their value. Companies do need to be selective for the sake of their customers' 'nerves'..... "Be effective, but not annoying"!